
127 2024_12 Efficient removal of anionic Amaranth azo dye 2024
126 2024_07 Facile synthesis and characterization 2024
125 2024_03 Exploring advanced materials Harnessing the synergy of inverse gas chromatography and artificial vision intelli 2024
124 2023_08 Interface-engineered hollow carbon matrix-supported FeCo 2023
123 2023_12 Boosting borohydride hydrolysis for H2 generation by MOF-templated void-engineered shaggy cobalt oxide Abundant 2023
122 2023_08 Enhanced Degradation of Ionic Liquid 1-n-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Chloride by Visible Light-Promoted Fe-MOF-ac 2023
121 2023_08 Characterizing basin-scale subsurface hydraulic heterogeneity with multiscale geological and hydrological measu 2023
120 2023_08 Cytotoxic and Infection-Controlled Investigations of Novel Dihydropyridine Hybrids An Efficient Synthesis and M 2023
119 2023_08 Hollow-architected Co3O4 for enhancing Oxone activation to eliminate an anesthetic, benzocaine, from water A st 2023
118 2023_08 Magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles loaded guava leaves powder impregnated into calcium alginate hydrogel beads (Fe3O4-GLP@CAB) for efficient removal of methylene blue dye from aqueous environment: Synthesis, characterization, and its adsorption performance 2023
117 2023_05 Polymer functionalized Hazel Sterculia hydrogel beads for adsorption of anionic azo dye RR120 from industrial streams 2023
116 2023_03 Enhanced removal of anionic Methyl orange azo dye by an iron oxide (Fe3O4) loaded lotus leaf powder (LLP@Fe3O4) composite: Synthesis,characterization, kinetics, isotherms, and thermodynamic perspectives 2023
115 2023_01 Direct growth of nano-worm-like Cu2S on copper mesh as a hierarchical 3D catalyst for Fenton-like degradation of an imidazolium roomtemperature ionic liquid in water 2023
114 2023_03 Boosting elimination of sunscreen, Tetrahydroxybenzophenone (BP-2), from water using monopersulfate activated b 2023
113 2023_01 Carboxylate-functionalized dragon fruit peel powder as an effective adsorbent for the removal of Rhodamine B (cationic dye) from aqueous solution: adsorption behavior and mechanism 2023
112 2023_01 Synthesis, Antimicrobial Assay and SARs of Pyrazole Included Heterocyclic Derivatives 2023
111 2022_10 Hollow and Oval-Configured Ultrafine Co3O4 as a Highly-Efficient Activator of Monopersulfate for Catalytic Elim 2022
110 2022_12 Characterize Basin‐Scale Subsurface Using Rocket‐Triggered Lightning 2022
109 2022_10 Ionic liquid [bmim] [TFSI] templated Na-X zeolite for the adsorption of (Cd2+, Zn2+), and dyes (AR, R6) 2022
108 2022_10 Removal of sulfonated azo Reactive Red 195 textile dye from liquid phase using surface-modified lychee (Litchi chinensis) peels with quaternary ammonium groups: Adsorption performance, regeneration,and mechanism 2022
107 Synthesis of pyrazole tethered oxadiazole and their analogs as potent antioxidant agents 2022
106 2022_01 Highly-Efficient Degradation of Ensulizole using Monopersulfate activated by Nanostructured Cobalt Oxide A Comp 2022
105 2022_01 Adsorption of Cr (VI), and Pb (II) from aqueous solution by 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulf 2022
104 2021_12 地下水管理水位之演進與運用 2021
103 2021_12 Magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles loaded papaya (Carica papaya L) seed powder as an effective and recyclable adsorbe 2021
102 Surgical Mask Distribution System to Fight against COVID-19 Pandemic in Taiwan A Minireview 2021
101 2021_08 Ultrafine cobalt nanoparticle-embedded leaf-like hollow N-doped carbon as an enhanced catalyst for activating m 2021
100 2021_07 Temporal Sampling and Role of Flux Measurements for Subsurface Heterogeneous Characterization in Groundwater Ba 2021
99 2021_06 Hydrothermal tuning of morphology of aluminophosphate (AIPO4-14) framework for the adsorption of Rhodamine 6G d 2021
98 2021_05 Characterization of protonated amine modified lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) stem powder and its application in the removal of textile (Reactive Red 120) dye from liquid phase 2021
97 2021_05 Encapsulating toxic Rhodamine 6G dye, and Cr (VI) metal ions from liquid phase using AlPO4-5 molecular sieves. Preparation,characterization, and adsorption parameters 2021
96 2021_05 Adsorption of Reactive Red 195 from aqueous medium using Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) leaf powder chemically modified with dimethylamine:characterization, isotherms, kinetics,thermodynamics, and mechanism assessment 2021
95 2021_05 Coal bottom ash derived zeolite (SSZ-13) for the sorption of synthetic anion Alizarin Red S (ARS) dye 2021
94 2021_03 Stochastic analysis of oscillatory hydraulic tomography 2021
93 2021_03 An innovative emergency transportation scenario for mass casualty incident management Lessons learnt from the formosa fun color dust explosion 2021
92 2020_12 Removal of anionic Acid Yellow 17 and Amaranth dyes using aminated avocado Persea americana seed powder adsorption deso 2020
91 2020_11 An efficient green approach for the synthesis of benzothiazole linked pyranopyrazoles as promising pharmacological agents and docking studies 2020
90 2020_11 Potential of hydraulic tomography in identifying boundary conditions of groundwater basins 2020
89 2020_11 Synthesis of novel ZSM-22 zeolite from Taiwanese Coal Fly Ash for the selective separation of Rhodamine-6G 2020
88 2020_07 Back analysis of displacements for estimating spatial distribution of viscoelastic properties around an unlined rock cavern 2020
87 2020_07 Anionic congo red dye removal from aqueous medium using Turkey tail Trametes versicolor fungal biomass 2020
86 2020_09 Characterization of basin-scale aquifer heterogeneity using transient hydraulic tomography with aquifer respons 2020
85 2020_05 Identification of groundwater basin shape and boundary using hydraulic tomography 2020
84 2020_04 Design,synthesis of tri-substituted pyrazole derivatives as promising antimicrobial agents and investigation of structure activity relationships 2020
83 2020_04 Removal of U(VI) from aqueous and polluted water solutions using magnetic Arachis hypogaea leaves powder impregnated into chitosan macromolecule 2020
82 2020_04 Impregnation of magnetic - Momordica charantia leaf powder into chitosan for the removal of U(VI) from aqueous and polluted wastewater 2020
81 2019_11 Preparation of novel aminated chitosan schiff’s base derivative for the removal of methyl orange dye from aqueous environment and its biological applications 2019
80 2019_08 Adsorptive removal of anionic dye (Reactive Black 5) from aqueous solution using chemically modified banana peel powder Kinetic, isotherm, thermodynamic, and reusability studies 2019
79 2019_09 Modification of chitosan macromolecule and its mechanism for the removal of Pb(II) ions from aqueous environment 2019
78 2019_06 Resolution and ergodicity issues of river stage tomography with different excitations 2019
77 2019_04 Multicomponent one-pot synthesis of oxadiazole included pyranopyrazoles as promising antioxidant agents 2019
76 2019_04 Importance of variability in initial soil moisture and rainfalls on slope stability 2019
75 2019_04 Enhanced adsorption performance of Reactive Red 120 azo dye from aqueous solution using quaternary amine modified orange peel powder 2019
74 2019_03 Redundant and non-redundant information for model calibration or hydraulic tomography 2019
73 2019_02 Reproducibility of hydraulic tomography estimates and their predictions A two-year case study in Taiwan 2019
72 2018_03_An alternative perspective for addressing mass casualty incidents in extreme events 2018
71 2018_06 An adaptive sampling approach to reduce uncertainty in slope stability analysis 2018
70 2018_03 Innovative research for geofluid flow and solute transport in subsurface from pore to terrestrial scales 2018
69 2018_02 Hydraulic tomography for estimating the diffusivity of heterogeneous aquifers based on groundwater response to tidal fluctuation in an artificial island in Taiwan 2018
68 2017_11 The significance of witness sensors for mass casualty incidents and epidemic outbreaks 2017
67 2017_11 Towards a reliable paradigm shift in emergency medical service for improving mass burn casualty response 2017
66 2017_10 Identifying disaster risk How science and technology shield populations against natural disasters in Taiwan 2017
65 2017_07 Chemical oxygen demand degradation of the wastewater from photovoltaic cell_plants a case study on an actual plant in Taiwan 2017
64 Uncertainty of rainfall-induced landslides considering spatial variability of parameters 2017
63 Incorporating geologic information into hydraulic tomography: A general framework based on geostatistical approach 2017
62 Quasi-Steady State Conditions in Heterogeneous Aquifers during Pumping Tests 2017
61 Flow Dynamics in Vadose Zones with and without Vegetation in an Arid Region 2017
60 Chapter 15 Post-Morakot Land Use Implications for Taiwan 2017
59 Characterizing subsurface hydraulic heterogeneity of alluvial fan using riverstage fluctuations 2017
58 Saving the On-Scene Time for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients: The Registered Nurses’ Role and Performance in Emergency Medical Service Teams 2017
57 2016_11 Hydraulic tomography 2016
56 無聲的吶喊-地下水資源保護 2016
55 Effect of spatial variability of shear strength on reliability of infinite slopes using analytical approach 2016
54 An Application of Hydraulic Tomography to a Large-Scale Fractured Granite Site, Mizunami, Japan 2016
53 2016_03 What Can Emergency Medicine Learn From Kinetics: Introducing an Alternative Evaluation and a Universal Criterion Standard for Emergency Department Performance 2016
52 2015_12 The relative importance of head, flux, and prior information in hydraulic tomography analysis 2015
51 2015_07 Uniqueness, scale, and resolution issues in groundwater model parameter identification 2015
50 2014_12 Industrial wastewater COD degradation technology - Taiwan Solar Cell Plant 2014
49 2014_09 Adaptation and promotion of EMS transportation for climate change 2014
48 2014_09 Operation of emergency operating centers during mass casualty incidents in Taiwan 2014
47 2014_05 Changes of rural to urban areas in hydrograph characteristics on watershed divisions 2014
46 2014_04 Applications of the taguchi method for key parameter screening in electrodialysis reversal used for high salinity wastewater 2014
45 2013_10 Why Hydraulic Tomography Works 2013
44 2013_09 Typhoon Morakot and institutional changes in Taiwan 2013
43 2013_09 A research on the three-year performance of the regional emergency operation centers in Taiwan 2013
42 2013_06 Time and Flow Characteristics of Component Hydrographs Related to Rainfall-Streamflow Observations 2013
41 2013_04 Joint interpretation of sequential pumping tests in unconfined 2013
40 2013_02 Cross-correlation analysis and information content of observed heads 2013
39 2012_12 Necessary Conditions for Inverse Modeling of Flow through Variably Saturated Porous Media 2012
38 2012_08 Applying Spatial Data Mining for Watershed Site Selection to Perform Field Sampling 2012
37 2012_06 How Reliable is X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Measurement for Different Metals in Soil Contamination 2012
36 2012_02 Application of multi-monitoring information for bridge safety evaluation 2012
35 2012_02 Replies to Comments on 「A Revisit of Drawdown Behavior during Pumping in Unconfined Aquifers」 by Neuman and Mishra 2012
34 2012_01 Identifying Hydrograph Parameters and Their Relations to Urbanization Variables 2012
33 2012_01 Influence of heterogeneity on unsaturated hydraulic properties (1) local heterogeneity and scale effect 2012
32 2012_01 Effects of Raingauge Distribution on Estimation Accuracy of Areal Rainfall 2012
31 2012_01 Influence of heterogeneity on unsaturated hydraulic properties (2) – percentage and shape of heterogeneity 2012
30 2011_12 雲彰高鐵沿線沉陷成因與對策 2011
29 2011_12 The Study of Land Subsidence Disaster Prevention by Water Resource Exploitation 2011
28 2011_12 The Mitigation Strategy for Taiwan HSR Passing through 2011
27 2011_12 Identifying Shape Characteristics of Streamflow Hydrograph and Its Components 2011
26 2011_12 Disaster Education System in Yunlin County , Taiwan 2011
25 2011_10 Robustness of Joint Interpretation of Sequential Pumping Test 2011
24 2011_05 A Revisit of Drawdown Behavior during Pumping in Unconfined Aquifers 2011
23 2010_12 The Water Community Case in Chou-Shui River in Taiwan 2010
22 2010_12 The Experiences of DRR through CCA in Taiwan 2010
21 2010_03 Estimation of effective aquifer hydraulic properties from an aquifer test with multiwell observations (Taiwan) 2010
20 2009_11 Evaluation of the Grey Model GM(1,1) Applied to Soil Particle Distribution 2009
19 2009_09 Response of karst springs to climate change and anthropogenic activities_the Niangziguan Springs, China 2009
18 2009_05 River stage tomography A new approach for characterizing 2009
17 2009 醫院資訊系統故障緊急應變作業管理之探討-以中部地區某區域醫院為例 2009
16 2009_02 A simultaneous successive linear estimator and a guide for hydraulic tomography analysis 2009
15 2008_09 Identifying peak-imperviousness-recurrence relationships on a growing-impervious watershed, Taiwan 2008
14 2008_06 Effect of growing watershed imperviousness on hydrograph parameters and peak discharge 2008
13 2008_05 Fusion of hydrologic and geophysical tomographic surveys 2008
12 2005_10 利用抽水試驗結果分析現地非等向水力參數研究 2005
11 2005_07 灰色預測GM (1,1)模型應用於粒徑分佈的評估 2005
10 2005_04 降雨量大小對土壤入滲機制之影響 2005
9 2003_06 Solute transport in three-dimensional saturated porous media with self-similar hydraulic conductivity distribution 2003
8 2002_05 Impacts of barometric changes on a pumping test 2002
7 2002_03 Induced pressure-variation transport in unconfined aquifer 2002
6 2001_06 具空間指數分佈水力傳導係數之二維飽和土壤中污染物傳輸研究 2001
5 2001_06 Performance evaluation of random power capture on mobile communications 2001
4 2001_03 A study of mean areal precipitation and spatial structure of rainfall distribution on Tsen-wen river basin 2001
3 2000_07 The study of α in GM(1,1) model 2000
2 1999_08 Groundwater Remeiation with Biodegradation--One-Dimensional Numerical Simulation 1999
1 1993_02 Contaminant Spreading in Stratified Soils with Fractal Permeability Distribution 1993
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